About Us
The Naked Project was started in 2015 by Angelique Ashton, whose husband was diagnosed with MCS in 2007. The Naked Project's mission is to create a society that is as safe for the chemically sensitive as it is for everyone else, and to prevent chemical injuries while preserving consumer freedoms, through grass-roots consumer education, strategic partnerships and inspired action.
We are provocative, innovative and passionate in our work to raise public awareness of toxins in everyday products, point people to safe alternatives and leave the world a healthier place than we found it. We will be holding local events to shine a light on MCS and possibly as we grow, blossom into a full-fledged non-profit organization.
Angelique is also an experienced public speaker, providing educational talks about the prevalence of chemicals in daily life and how to lead a more natural lifestyle. In addition, she's working on her first book, a memoir about the medical journey she and her husband endured finding his diagnosis and learning to live with the condition.
About MCS/Environmental Illness
Its possible some visitors to our website may be here because they were referred here to learn more about our mission and about MCS itself. One of our current projects is writing an update for the current Wikipedia page for MCS, which provides an outdated and somewhat industry slanted definition and is likely to be the first depiction that one comes in contact with when they search for information about the condition. Below is a portion of our draft language for the update to the definition for MCS:
Multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) is a chronic medical condition and syndrome characterized by reactivity to low- level exposures to commonly used chemicals. Commonly attributed substances include scented products, pesticides, plastics, synthetic fabrics, smoke, petroleum products, cleaning agents and paint fumes. Commonly reported symptoms include nausea, dizziness, concentration and memory difficulties and inflammation of skin, joints, gastrointestinal tract and airways that occur when the affected individual is exposed to chemicals. Symptoms can be non-specific to the condition, meaning that they may be common symptoms, such as fatigue or headaches which could have other causes. This makes diagnosis of MCS complicated.
The symptoms experienced by affected individuals can be disabling, and the prevalence of MCS is rapidly increasing worldwide. However, MCS continues to struggle to gain recognition by the medical community as an organic, chemical-caused illness. It is sometimes referred to by medical professionals as “idiopathic” environmental intolerance, a term which implies that the condition is spontaneous and has no known cause.
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